miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014



We start this project with Miss Libia telling people to save the enviroment because not today, but in few years, if we dont take care of the enviroment it will change but not in a good way. 

The sustianable green dream school is not only a project, it will help us in the future, because we are learning how to live comfortable and saving the planet, when we combined the social, economical and the enviroment that comform sustainability.

we start doing a brain storm with the people of the group, then we do a scale model, after we make a power point presentation and finally we compost a song. We visited the rochester school for having a idea of what is sutianable school.

The conclusion of our sustainable green dream school(osgds) is not only for saving the emviroment is for living comfortable in the future but saving the emviroment.

for more imformation enter here:  https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1729859889892188387#editor/target=post;postID=5891659303203903205;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=postname 

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


My Ecoschool

For me my school dream would be a Ecoschool with solar panels, long spaces of grass, gardens, a orchard were we can plant our fruit and some vegetables. In the sciences classrooms it would be in the roof a microscope and another solar panel, for the Edu.fisica department it would be a uncover classroom for teaching sports. It would be a free smoke place, with environmental monitors for saving the water, the plants and the gas.                                                                                  
Ecological green dream school project

Justification: We are doing this project to be aware about sudteinnability on the school.  We start this project focusing in the water, the name of that project was. Healthy water healthy people, and now we start a new project name Green dream school, that is for helping the enverioment and by susteinable in the school.

Description: We began this project being in speeches with eleven graders, Luis Hernadez.

Then we start to gatherin information, after that we start to explore Abraham Lincoln School searching for ideas,pictures and things to help this school by susteinnable. At last we are doing a scale model with recycle materials.

Objective of this project: To help Abraham Lincoln School to be susteinable.

1) Our essential questions:  What ecoligical thing you will ad to the school?

2) You thing that electricity in the school is susteinble?

3) You thing that the fountain is susteinble in Abraham Lncoln School?
Ecological green dream school project

Justification: We are doing this project to be aware about sudteinnability on the school.  We start this project focusing in the water, the name of that project was. Healthy water healthy people, and now we start a new project name Green dream school, that is for helping the enverioment and by susteinable in the school.

Description: We began this project being in speeches with eleven graders, Luis Hernadez.

Then we start to gatherin information, after that we start to explore Abraham Lincoln School searching for ideas,pictures and things to help this school by susteinnable. At last we are doing a scale model with recycle materials.

Objective of this project: To help Abraham Lincoln School to be susteinable.

1) Our essential questions:  What ecoligical thing you will ad to the school?

2) You thing that electricity in the school is susteinble?

3) You thing that the fountain is susteinble in Abraham Lncoln School?


1. Types of ecological energy
Solar energy

2. making gardens mixing with the social part

3. saperetion of each can
green: Organic(food)
blue: plastic
gray: paper and all recicling matirials

4. Put recicling boxes in each classroom

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Simón Bolívar Park



Colombia is located in South America near  Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru and Panama.
Colombia was colonized by Spanish people in 1492. In 1830 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú and Bolivia were  freed by Simón Bolívar. 

Bogotá’s information

Bogotá is the capital of Colombia; it was founded by Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada in 1530.

Bogotá has many historical  and touristic places, like museum and ecological parks and many more to visit.

Information of Simon Bolivar Park

Simon Bolivar Park is located in Bogotá (Colombia) in front coldeportes.
Simón Bolívar Park is conformed by Parque el recreo, Museo de los niños, Parque de los novios, Palacio de los deportes, Complejo acuático unidad deportiva, Centro de alto rendimiento, Biblioteca Virgilio Barco, Plaza de los artesanos and Jardín Botánico.
Simon Bolivar Park was founded in 1966. In 1968 Pope Jean Paul 2nd  went to chapel in Simon Bolivar Park. The capacity of the park is of 140,000 people.
There are many events in Simon Bolivar Park like concerts, celebrations of enterprises and school trips.
The park used to be only for athletism, but nowadays you can practice any sport.


It’s a good place to visit with family and  friends, there you can play any sports and do picnics. 

Felipe Arteaga was born in June 4th 2001; he likes to play soccer with his friends and to play videogames all night.

Yael Santiago Salcedo was born in February 28th 2001 he likes to play sports with his friends.

Mario Andres Sarmiento was born in June 12th 2001 he likes to play the drums and play soccer with his friends.

Juan Camilo Neira was born in July 25th 2001 he likes to play soccer with his friends and to play PS3 with his cleaning lady